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Student Award Winners

Lauréats des prix pour les étudiants


Huntsman Marine Science Centre

St. Andrews, N.-B

Graduate Students / Étudiants du cycle supérieur

Presentation / Présentation oral

Winner / Gagnant

Gianco Angelozzi

Mount Allison University

Effects of extreme weather on staging shorebirds and their habitat in Atlantic Canada

Honourable Mention / Mention honorable

Brandon Vriends

University of Prince Edward Island

Aiding conservation in an estuarine system: does the Giant Irish Moss play a role behaviourally mediated indirect interactions?

Poster / Affiche

Winner / Gagnante

Gretchen McPhail

Acadia University

Assessment of methylmercury concentrations in estuarine sediments, porewater, and invertebrates in the Jijuktu'kwejk Estuary, Bay of Fundy

Honourable Mention / Mention honorable

Alexandre Legault

Dalhousie University

Optimizing evidence uptake in climate policy: the case of coastal urban municipalities

Undergraduate Students / Étudiants du premier cycle

Oral Presentation / Présentation oral

Winner / Gagnante

Macy Giles

Saint Mary's University

Examining drivers of ecomorphodynamic change in the Avon River Estuary

Honourable Mention / Mention honorable

Mackenzie Warman

Mount Allison University

Staging ecology of adult and juvenile Short-Billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus griseus) in southern Nova Scotia

Poster / Affiche

Winner / Gagnante

Lila Elliott

Toronto Metropolitan University

An evaluation of Toronto's wastewater treatment at removing polybrominated diphenyl ethers and organophosphate esters in the Don Valley River


Université de Moncton, Campus de Shippagan

Shippagan, N.-B

Graduate Students / Étudiants du cycle supérieur

Presentation / Présentation oral

Winner / Gagnante

Swarna Naojee

University of New Brunswick, Fredericton

Saltmarsh mapping using Sentinel-2 imagery in Maritime Canada

Honourable Mentions / Mentions honorables

Brittney Roughan

Saint Mary's University

Greenhouse gas flux in a restored vs. natural salt marsh in the upper Bay of Fundy

Mia Francis

University of New Brunswick, Saint John

Effects of experimental nutrient enrichment on pH and primary production in intertidal soft sediment

Poster / Affiche

Winner / Gagnante

Alexa Stack Mills

University of New Brunswick, Fredericton

Saltmarsh-mudflat linkage inferred from stable isotope analysis in mega- and microtidal systems

Honourable Mention / Mention honorable

Makadunyiswe Ngulube

Saint Mary's University

Comparing the provision of ecosystem services (wave energy dissipation, habitat, primary productivity, blue carbon) of an anthropogenically modified marsh to a natural marsh

Undergraduate Students / Étudiants du premier cycle

Oral Presentation / Présentation oral

Winner / Gagnant

Job Olguin-Hernandez

Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur

The use of new technology (UAV) for photo-identification of Gray Whales (Eschrichtius robustus) in Mexico


Dalhousie University Agricultural Campus

Truro, NS

Graduate Students / Étudiants du cycle supérieur

Presentation / Présentation oral

Winner / Gagnante

Emma Bowser

University of New Brunswick, Fredericton

Interspecific and intraspecific resource use and partitioning among fish in freshwater tidal zones

Honourable Mentions / Mention honorables

Samantha Stevens

Dalhousie University

Effects of helminth infection on European Green Crab (Carcinus maenas) and Atlantic Rock Crab (Cancer irroratus) behaviour

Mark Saunders

University of Waterloo

Validating the use of Environmental DNA to characterize fish communities in eutrophic temperate estuaries

Poster / Affiche

Winner / Gagnante

Mia Francis

University of New Brunswick, Saint John

Benthic nutrients, pH, and infaunal communities in intertidal soft sediments

Honourable Mention / Mention honorable

Simon-Luc Noel

Dalhousie University

Perspectives on assessing recovery feasibility of inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic Salmon Salmo Salar 20 years on

Undergraduate Students / Étudiants du premier cycle

Poster / Affiche

Winner / Gagnante

Amanda Fenech

University of New Brunswick, Saint John

Concentration of potential microplastics in Soft-Shell Clams (Mya arenaria) is size dependent

Honourable Mention / Mention honorable

Meryem Upson

McGill University

Controls on water table fluctuations in two salt marshes on New Brunswick's Baie des Chaleurs



Graduate Students / Étudiants du cycle supérieur

Presentation / Présentation oral

Winner / Gagnant

Gregory Norris

University of New Brunswick, Fredericton

Colonization trajectories of mudflat infauna after disturbance in the upper Bay of Fundy

Honorable Mention / Mention honorable

Jerrica Cormier

University of Prince Edward Island

Eutrophication and the role of sediment-bound nutrients within Wheatley River Estuary, Prince Edward Island

Poster / Affiche

Winner / Gagnant

Kevin Clyne

University of New Brunswick, Fredericton

Use of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 imagery and local indigenous knowledge for mapping eelgrass in Eeyou-Istchee

Honorable Mentions / Mentions honorables

Lyle Vicaire

University of New Brunswick, Fredericton

Seed viability, germination, and early survival of Spartina alterniflora from the Bay of Fundy and Northumberland Strait for salt marsh restoration

Molly Rivers

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Behavioral and physiological responses of Carcinus maenas to winter temperatures in Newfoundland

Undergraduate Students / Étudiants du premier cycle

Oral Presentation / Présentation oral

Winner / Gagnant

William Younger

Acadia University

Isolation and identification of fungi associated with the marine green macroalga Codium fragile (Suringar) Hariot in Nova Scotia

Honourable Mention / Mention honorable

Makadunyiswe Ngulube

Saint Mary's University

The wave dissipation potential of Spartina alterniflora in the Bay of Fundy

Poster / Affiche

Winner / Gagnante

Mia Francis

University of New Brunswick, Saint John

Impacts of sediment chemistry on the Amphipod Corophium volutator in the Bay of Fundy

Honourable Mention / Mention honorable

Elizabeth Bateman

University of New Brunswick, Fredericton

Patterns of access and use of New Brunswick salt marshes by Mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus)


(cancelled due to COVID19 pandemic)


Saint Mary's University

Halifax, N.S.

Graduate Students / Étudiants du cycle supérieur

Presentation / Présentation oral:

Winner / Gagnante

Graeme Matheson

Saint Mary's University

Using unmanned aerial systems, structure-from-motion software and empirical measurements of hydrodynamics to measure borrow

pits infill rates in a hypertidal estuary

Honourable Mention / Mention honorable

Rebecca Linhart

Mount Allison University

Use of coastal and Bay of Fundy sites by migrating Semipalmated Sandpipers

Poster / Affiche:

Winner / Gagnante

Sarah Adams

Acadia University

Diversity of fungi from marine wood from the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada

Honourable Mention / Mention honorable

Jiali Gu

McGill University

 Contributions of invasive phragmites to soil volume and (blue) carbon in a St. Lawrence saltmarsh

Undergraduate Students / Étudiants du premier cycle

Poster / Affiche:

Winner / Gagnante

Erin MacDonald

Acadia University

Recruitment of corophium volutator into existing macrofaunal communities

Honourable Mention / Mention honorable

Cole Vail

Acadia University

Vertical zonation and molecular identification of littoral zone lichens


Memorial University of Newfoundland

St. John's, N.L.

Graduate Students / Étudiants du cycle supérieur

Presentation / Présentation oral:

In Progress / En progrés


In Progress / En progrés

Undergraduate Students / Étudiants du premier cycle

Oral Presentation / Présentation oral:

Winner / Gagnante

Alexa Stack Mills

University of New Brunswick, Fredericton

Does the Common Marsh Snail (Melampus bidentatus) show a preference for live or dead spartina grass species?

Poster / Affiche:

Winner / Gagnant

Matthew Penney

Cape Breton University

Spatial and temporal benchmarking of shallow-water marine hydroids (Cnidaria, Hyrozoa) in Cape Breton using

morphological and molecular techniques


McGill University

Montreal, Q.C.

Graduate Students / Étudiants du cycle supérieur

Presentation / Présentation oral:

Winner / Gagnant

Jan Wollenberg

McGill University

Estimating short-term carbon accumulation following managed realignment

Poster / Affiche:

Winner / Gagnant

Spencer Virgin

University of New Brunswick, Fredericton

The effect of temperature on growth, mortality, and settlement of larval Ribbed Mussels (Geukensia demissa)

Undergraduate Students / Étudiants du premier cycle

Oral Presentation / Présentation oral:

Winner / Gagnant

Matthew Penney

Cape Breton University

Towards an understanding of shallow water marine hydroids on Cape Breton coastlines

Poster / Affiche:

Winner / Gagnante

Morgan Sadler

McGill University

Contribution of aboveground growth to salt marsh soil carbon in Prince Edward Island estuaries


University of Prince Edward Island

Charlottetown, P.E.I.

In Progress / En progrés


Huntsman Marine Science Centre

St. Andrews, N.B.

In Progress / En progrés


Saint Mary's University

Halifax, N.S.

Graduate Students  / Étudiants du cycle supérieur

Presentation / Présentation oral:

Winner / Gagnant

Jeff Clements

University of New Brunswick, Saint John

Clams on Acid: experimental effects of sediment acidification on burrowing behaviour and dispersal of juvenile Soft-Shell Clams

Honorable Mention / Mention honorable

Freya Keyser

Acadia University

Movements of an endangered Striped Bass population in the Minas Basin and Minas Passage, Bay of Fundy

Poster / Affiche:

Winner / Gagnant

Laura Boone

University of New Brunswick, Fredericton

Spatial and temporal patterns in two important salt marsh species populations in Maritime Canada

Honorable Mention / Mention Honorable

Jeff Clements

University of New Brunswick, Saint John

Commercial gelatin as a tool for carbonate geochemistry stabilization in marine soft sediment & its application for benthic ecology

Undergraduate Students / Étudiants du premier cycle

Oral Presentation / Présentation oral:

Winner / Gagnant

Alicia Penney

Cape Breton University

Tracking tagged Salmon smolt in the Bras d'Or Biosphere Reserve

Poster / Affiche:

Winner / Gagnante

Tara Minch

University of New Brunswick, Saint John

Size-at-Age of juvenile American Lobsters (Homarus americanus) as determined using a new direct age determination technique

Honorable Mention / Mention honorable

Spencer Virgin

University of New Brunswick, Fredericton

Population dynamics of Ribbed Mussels (Geukensia demissa) in salt marshes in the Northumberland Strait, Canada


Centre for Geographic Sciences, Nova Scotia Community College

Lawrencetown, N.S.

Graduate Students / Étudiants du cycle supérieur

Presentation / Présentation oral:

Winner / Gagnant

Kristin Dinning

University of New Brunswick, Saint John

Settlement delay and growth of postlarval American Lobsters on different seafloor substrates, and juvenile use of mud seafloor

Honorable Mention / Mention honorable

Andrea Price

McGill University

Can dinoflagellate cysts be used to monitor eutrophication in Prince Edward Island estuaries?

Poster / Affiche:

Winner / Gagnant

Brady Quinn

University of New Brunswick, Saint John

Potential effect of variable temperatures on development time of American Lobster larvae

Honorable Mentions / Mentions Honorables

Karen Filbee-Dexter

Dalhousie University

Spatial subsidy along the Nova Scotia coast: use of drift kelp by sea urchins in the deep subtidal zone

Kevin Sorochan

Dalhousie University

Identifying and evaluating relationships between planktonic marine invertebrate larvae and pelagic predators

Undergraduate Students / Étudiants du premier cycle

Oral Presentation / Présentation oral:

Winner / Gagnant

Feng Tang

University of New Brunswick, Saint John

Body condition of juvenile American Lobsters (Homarus americanus) living in cobble and mud bottom in Maces Bay, Bay of Fundy

Honorable Mention / Mention honorable

Freya Keyser

Acadia University

Riding the Tide is No Bore: temporal and spatial movement patterns of Striped Bass in the Minas Passage, Bay of Fundy

Poster / Affiche:

Winner / Gagnante

Amy McGuire

McGill University

Accretion, sediment, and pollen accumulation in salt marshes of Douchibouguac National Park and Covehead Bay, PEI

Honorable Mention / Mention honorable

Aleatha Lee

University of New Brunswick, Fredericton

Patterns in plant and invertebrate densities in a salt marsh restoration project in Aulac, New Brunswick

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